FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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A good deed done!

This deadhead was in a area of travel in the bay and it was a bit concerning. A deadhead is a log or large tree in a waterway submerged just below the surface and difficult to see. Hitting one can severly damage a boat, or it’s props. If it floats perpendicular to the water it is very dangerous as it can appear small and often just bobs up and down. That’s what this large plank of wood was doing, just bobbing in one spot, but at high tide, it was submerged just under the surface.

We decided to see if we could tow it to shore and sure enough, it was easy enough to move with the Trophy. It turned out to be a 15-20 foot 6x12 beam, part of someones waterfront infrastructure. It was huge and had some splintering at the top so someone had already hit it.

We took it over to the shore by the dingy ramp and tied it up until high tide when we then came back and hauled it up as high as we could, securing it to a tree. The lower half was covered with barnacles so it had been in the water for quite some time somewhere. Hopefully, someone will be able to permanently get it out of the water.

After the plank rescue, we headed over to Roche for lunch and some supplies and look what I found… warmth.

Sue and Holly both texted how cold they were on the water. Brrrr, fall is coming quickly.