FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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A Snowy Visit

With all the rain we have had this year, you’d think we were tired of moisture, but the snow is so beautiful. Like a nervous stage actor peaking out the curtain to check on the crowd, the sun would occassionally peak through the clouds and the snow would twinkle like diamonds.

The Chatteroy construction project is progressing. The posts are in for the RV port and the roof is scheduled to go up next week. We are looking forward to the RV move in April. It is always fun to catch up with the nieces and nephews – the little ones have so much to share, new pictures they’ve made, their latest favorite movie, and plenty of new jokes and life stories.

Next up was Priest Lake to visit Josh and Trina’s homestead. Mama goat is getting bigger, her due date first of April, the chickens are producing, and the construction projects are ready and waiting for the snow melt. And they have the most well groomed snow you’ve ever seen!

The week concluded with a very nice birthday dinner for Keith with Colin and Rena at Northern Quest Casino. Dress up, drink wine, laugh and a little gambling - so fun. For his birthday, Keith bought me a new set of golf clubs – that’s a little backwards but I’ll take it.