FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Ahhh… Water

It’s water time, and true to our long tradition, we head out to the Islands for the 4th of July holiday. Our first night was at Deer Harbor on July 3rd and we were so glad their fireworks display was back again. The local community came together and made it happen. It was a great show.

Then on to Roche Harbor where we joined a plethra of boats in the bay, but plenty of room for everyone.

A full day of events, including the UW alumni marching band, the log rolling contest and much more. It was a beautiful sunny day and true to form, there were a lot of people. It was a great time.

After the holiday events, we settled into Garrison Bay for a couple of weeks. We were invited to play pickleball with a group of folks at Roach and ended up playing with them 3 days a week. We just loved it and made new friends. Our plan was to go shrimping but it closed before it even opened. So we waited for crabbing and salmon fishing to open.

Yes, that’s a solar panel. There are 4 on the hard top but we had some battery issues and we had to use all we could get.

We both had projects to keep us busy when we weren’t playing. Keith worked on the fishing boat and I was having fun making my first quilt project.

The ‘butt pad’ - so I don’t stick to the seat when it’s hot. Not bad for my first try at it.

We also had plenty of relaxation time… at least someone did 😁. Finally it was time for Salmon fishing and Crab catching.

First day out… made a pass across Open Bay and caught a medium sized Salmon who jumped off the hook before we could get him in the boat. On the second pass, Keith caught this one - 31 inches long and we estimate 12-13 pounds. Wow, that was great fun. This only took an hour so we headed in to check crab pots.

This was the second pot. There were a lot of mommas but we had 7 keepers, which was plenty and enough to share. What a great start to the season.

Time to head back into port for some scheduled repair work before we head into Canada.