FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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An Evening Event

We planned to have an evening out after the sun goes down, and thought a guided kayak trip over to Mosquito Punta, to see the bioluminescence and do some star gazing, was just the ticket. Another younger couple from Switzerland joined us and this was their last 2 days of a 6 week vacation. She was a primary teacher and he, a helicopter pilot for the military. They spoke great english and it was fun to paddle, chat, and learn about each other.

Now most of you know how much we love the water and believe it is our duty to tame it, right? Well, remember the water out to the point is only 6 inches to 2 feet deep so the kayaks sit on top of the water. This was good for water depth, but not so good with the wind. There was just enough breeze we felt like we were now on a serpentine kayak tour. It must just be the way here. Our only saving grace was our kayak mates had the same issues. When we got tired of paddling and steering, we’d put our paddle down and use it as a pole to push us in the right direction. There was a lot of laughter, which helped us figure out where we all were in the dark. And of course there was the getting wet part. Honestly, it would have been faster to walk to the point. But we looked on the bright side and thought, at least the wind would be at our back when we returned. Well, as fate would have it, the wind died down and we had to paddle - at least in a straighter line this time. We had a good time.

The star gazing was most excellent but the bioluminescence was lacking. We returned to the apartment about 10:30 and tried to fall asleep … with sore arms.