FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Guests Arrive - Lund

Our guests, Eric and Cherie were arriving from Portland and we had to head back to the mainland to pick them up in Lund. Lund is the last town before reaching Desolation Sound and our guests are coming via car and ferry to meet us. They were able to make reservations on the last ferry from Comox so it worked out better to take the big boat down to Lund. We considered a day trip and taking the Trophy down but that would be a bit uncomfortable to sleep in.

Lund is a small town with a small resort and is the mainland point for residents on Savary Island, which based on the number of cars, has quite a few residents. The parking lot for Savary Island vehicles was bigger than the whole town.

The Lund Marina has 4 large floating docks also used as a break water. We thought this could be a bit bumpy but were pleasantly surprised how strong they were. We didn’t feel any waves from the Savary Island transport boats roaring into port.

There was large grocery store and we were so excited to see what they had. When we get in the front door, we found half was the store and half was the liquor store. What does that tell you? There were more grocery items in the store at Refuge Cove.

It would have been very disappointing except I found more Fig Newtons. To bad I didn’t need anymore yet.

Keith got the scoop on fishing from someone at the fuel dock so we finished up our shopping excursion and headed out to fish. “Get to the 180 foot ridge line, drop your pole at 130 feet and you’ll catch a fish”. Right, that’s what they all say. We had one pole in the water and were working on rigging the second when it appeared we had a fish on. My scepticism thought we had snagged something, but no. He was fat and beautiful, but spit out the lure just before we could get him netted. In all our preparations, we hadn’t discussed how we were going to net a fish. That sounds very rudimentary eh? Remember this is a ‘new to us’ boat and the back area is very different - there needed to be a pre-catch plan. Catching different types of fish is very different. Catching a squirmy salmon is like catching and holding on to a soapy 2 year old who escaped from the bath tub. Catching a ling cod is like pulling up a spare tire. Oh well, it was too small anyway.

Next thing you know, another fish on. We got him to the boat, but he too was small. In all, we had 4 fish on in about 2 hours and all were too small to keep.

We couldn’t tell if this one was a Chinook or Coho so it had to come aboard for a quick check. It was disappointing to not keep any, but boy, they were sure biting, which was fun in its own right. The guy was right, follow the 180 foot ridge, drop line 130 feet. We were so tired after all that work, we decided to have dinner at the pub in the resort. What a treat that was.

Then it was time to wait for the arrival…. way past my bedtime… but what a beautiful sunset! These 2 boats were just hovering so they could get an unobstructed view. I didn’t blame them.

Our guests arrived and after getting everything loaded aboard, we dropped into bed. It had been a long day for everyone.

Route from Octopus Islands, back through Hole in the Wall and south to Lund