FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Backroads Treasures

One of our most favorite things is to travel the road less traveled and look for treasures. On our way to Priest Lake, we stopped at the Village Kitchen in Priest River for breakfast. As most local places are, it was very eclectic. Ornate purses and clothing for sale, everyone knows each other, and you are only a stranger for a few seconds. We met the 3 “older” retired gentlemen who meet every day at their same table and gab, but their wives only allow them to stay until 9:00, then home for chores. (Reminds me of my dad - he too had his own table and only missed his morning ritual if he was traveling). The owners are Ray, the front guy, an old surfer dude with the bleach blond hair and a puca shell necklace, and Shannon, the wife and cook who stays safely tucked away in the kitchen. I love the chatter and Ray had lots of it. Keith rolls his eyes - “do you have to talk to everyone” - I laugh!

What are some of your favorite backroad treasures?