FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Here Shrimpy, Shrimpy!

We finished up the things we needed to do at home and now it was time to do more boating. Destination: Reid Harbor - Event: Shrimping!

We had a fun surprise - friends Chris and Mary Anne from Fox Island joined us on the dock as they too were up to do some shrimping. First morning out, we both limited with 4 pots and 2 pulls and were back by lunch. The sun was warm, the water was calm and current was ebbing at less than 0.5 knots. It was great.

Mary Anne had a turn with the pulley, and after we put the clutch in place, it was a lot easier. Silly boys, they always want to do it the hard way.

The last pot had several hermit crabs, we’d never seen that before. This one was bigger than the palm of my hand. It was so cool to watch them try to get away, and then we helped them.

We spent an evening kayaking around the bay and exploring. Chris was over ambitious and kayaked out to the mouth. When he got back, his only comment was “That was farther than I thought” …. We all laughed and were glad we didn’t join him.

The water was bright green with algae. It was beautiful and looked like rainbows in the water.

Yup, shrimp was for dinner and it was delicious!

Second day, our friends headed south to Friday Harbor so we shrimped alone. During the soak, hubby decided to nap… Shrimping is just so hard!!! We were about 10 shrimp shy of limiting again and we called it good. Plenty of shrimp for upcoming meals.