FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Christmas in Anacortes

Last stop… home! We looked forward to spending time with Janetta, Tyson, and Wesley. These two little boys are also growing up so fast. Tyson just talked our ear off and Wesley is walking, and rather briskly I might add. Before you know it, they will be as tall as Carter and Caleb. We shared a fun afternoon and enjoyed a yummy dinner.

Tyson has more energy than all of the adults in the room but is also a little lovebug.

Wesley took a little time to warm up to us as we have been gone a while. But by the time we left, he was giving loves.

We were headed back to Spokane the following morning to fly back to Arizona. It was a fantastic trip and we so enjoyed seeing all that we could. Those we didn’t get to see were in our hearts.

Time to get back to some warm weather. We’ll be back in the spring!