FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Cozumel-beach day

In all of our travels, we try to do one day of activities and then one day of down time. In Mexico, this is called ‘beach day’. Cozumel is a meca for cruise ships and while it brings a lot of tourism industry to the community, it can feel overrun with people. Picking out an acceptable place to enjoy the water, snorkling, sun, and good food can be a challenge. One needs to be strategic - know the best time to venture out, know where you are going, bring extra supplies just in case.

We headed out at noon and found a little known location called Alberto’s Beach. It’s a small beach and had only a few guests so there were plenty of places to lounge. And they had the most amazing food. We spent the whole afternoon swimming, napping, and reading and finally headed home when the dark clouds rolled in and started to open up. A day of rest is a must!