FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Playa del Carmen

Playa welcomes us with a bang, showing off how much she has grown up over the past 15 years. The malecon used to be just a few blocks, not it’s more like a mile and there are only a few shops that look familiar. There are 3 stores we find in every block, a farmacia, a cigar shop, and a tequila bar/store. But what really surprised us with the presence of McDonalds, Starbucks and Krispy Kream. We laughed at the donut chain but then found people carrying boxes of donuts down the street. Seriously, who knew!

Well look who’s in the cigar shop! As always, the vendors are relentless, trying to sell you something. Even the children, but they are adorable and it’s hard to say no. However, we know better, if you buy one thing, they will never leave your side and they tend to multiply - rapidly. If you really want something, buy it on your last day, as you are leaving.

There are so many vendors - in stores, street carts, bicycle carts, and even from blankets laying on the ground displaying their wares. It feels rude to just ignore them but you have to, it’s their way. It doesn’t take long and they soon become invisible. But there was one little Mayan mommy who was not invisible. She had her blanket of goods displayed nicely on the ground. She also had a newborn in a pack on her chest, a 1 year old sleeping at the edge of the blanket and a 2 year old sitting next to her. My heart went out to her.

We have a great little AirBnB, perfectly located in the center of town, 3 blocks from the beach in one direction and 3 blocks from Walmart in the other. It is nicely tucked back off the street and is very comfortable, clean, and quiet. Our first day we shop to pick up some food provisions, fruits, and vegetables, so we don’t have to eat out every meal. We are thoroughly enjoying ourselves - the sun is warm, the water is blue and the food is excellent.