FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Engine Trouble = Fish On

We were heading out to fish and decided to fuel up the Trophy first over at Roche. Pulling away from the fuel dock, the engine kept dying. We limped it back to the dock, couldn’t find anything easily fixable so fired up the kicker motor and headed back to the big boat.

Going slow allows you take better pictures of the wild life sunning themselves on the warm rocks.

The motor acted like it was fuel hungry so Keith cleaned out the fuel filter and wah-lah, it worked. Time to test drive it so we took it out to fish and it ran great.

We didn’t have the pole in the water 5 minutes and we had a fish on - a very large beautiful native Coho. He was magnificent and Keith was kiddy reeling him in but back in the water he quickly went. We caught a smaller Coho but had to put him back too. After several hours, we called it quits and headed in for a ‘non-fish’ dinner and an evening of playing cribbage.

The tide swing was so minimal we decided to fish the next morning on the ebb tide and caught 2 more nice sized fish, but both native. One of these days we’ll catch a keeper!