FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Isla Pasion

Today is beach day and we had 2 places we wanted to explore so we started early. First stop was truly an adventure. The man says: “You go to the end of the long road, when the road ends, go another mile on the dirt with lots of bumps but you must have a jeep to make the trip. Meet a man with a small boat, he’ll take you over to the island and pick you up. It’s the most beautiful beach in the world. All for $10”…. so off we went.

The dirt road was more than a lot of bumps, it was a cluster of small lakes that could swallow a small car. This picture was one of the more shallow lakes. He was right, you had to have a jeep to make it through - it reminded us of the long bumpy trek to our place at Mahahual with Eric and Cherie.

We arrived safely at the small boat, and met the man with his pet racoon. Sure enough, $10 and he took us across the lagoon to the beach and came back 2 hours later to pick us up.

It was the most beautiful beach - perfect white sand, crystal blue water, small surf and hardly anyone there. The cruise ships have some of the beach designated as private for their guests and they ferry them in, but there was plenty of room to share. We swam, laid under a tree, walked the beach, and ate our home packed lunch.

One thing we didn’t like, the 2 hours went by way to fast. It was absolutely magical - it is the Island of Passion.