FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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It’s not going to rain

We are back in the US and have a date with a small mountain…. Young Hill. But first, we decide to anchor at Roche for a day or two so we’re closer to the harbor for provisioning, off loading, and walking around.

We hadn’t been through the sculpture park in a while, so this was our first stop. There were a lot of new items and these were some of our favorites. But you have to be careful, you could get attacked by a giant bear!

After the weekend, we motored over to Garrison Bay and wow, there were a lot of boats… odd!

Several years ago, we were coming down Young Hill and met Eric and Sue going up. Unfortunately, they didn’t make it to the top due to a time constraint for their tour bus. So, to reach the top had been a plan for a while and today was the day.

It was a bit gloomy out with some sun breaks but nothing serious (aren’t those always our famous last words). We check the weather and see a small storm over on Vancouver Island but it was moving north and shouldn’t impact us. So up we go.

It was cool out and a perfect day for a hike. The view at the top was spectacular, as always. You can see from this picture we were under blue sky with no threat of rain. Within about fifteen minutes, we heard thunder and watched a lightening storm developing over Vancouver Island. It was very cool to watch, but again, we didn’t thing it would impact us. Are you chuckling ….

We headed down and by the time we got to the dingy, it was pouring and there was lightening and thunder all around us. This was the oddest storm we had seen in a while. It was a constant rumble for two days, with beautiful cracks of lightening, some far away and some right on top of us. Now we knew why all the boats were in the harbor.

The next morning we decided to make a run to Friday Harbor, a day earlier than planned. It was raining so hard but there wasn’t a stitch of wind. Because we left early enough, we got spots in the marina but we weren’t the only ones looking for shelter. It was a constant flurry of boats coming in and the marina was short staffed, so everyone helped each other. That’s what boaters do!

We were so thankful for shore power - we could fire up the heaters to warm up and dry out.

This was our final night together so we decided to splurge and enjoyed an excellent meal at Vinny’s up in town. It was a perfect ending to a great trip together. Until next year - cheers!