FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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XCan Che Cenote

After a very hot morning roaming the ruins, we get to spend time in the local cenote. XCan Che (ShaaCaan Shay) is part of the Ek Balam ruins, as it was a major water source for the community. It was such a cool and refreshing change from the heat. This is a very large, deep, open cenote with a lot of stairs and plenty of room to relax.

There was a walkway all the way around the cenote with several entry points. But our favorite was the rope swing … you are never to old for a rope swing!

This was such a good time. We didn’t have to wear life vests and there were inner tubes for a different experience if you wanted them. Like the other cenotes, there were fish, small black catfish that liked to bump your leg. It startles you at first, but then you get used to them. They were 6 to 10 inches long and plentiful as you see in the picture below.

After a full morning of adventure, it was time to find some lunch and head home. We ask our taxi driver to take us to his favorite spot in a small town just outside of the ruins. We pulled up and it looked like a very empty store front but, as always, we were pleasantly surprised. See the Foodie Fan for a review of our fabulous meal.