FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Last day, last game night

It was a quiet last day together in Garrison Bay. We had lunch reservations at the Westcott Fish Company and enjoyed the 30 minute hike down to the restaurant. We were surprised how many people were there on a weekday. Unfortunately, the menu was a challenge for our vegan eaters and due to the lack of options, they ended up walking back to their boat. It was so sad, especially since Holly had called ahead to ensure there were menu items they could eat. It must be end of the season as there were several items no longer available, like bread. Some of the food we got was good and some, not so much. We were disappointed, especially after David and Holly left.

It was low tide and we were able to watch the staff work in the clam and oyster beds. Not a job I would enjoy, but it was fascinating to watch.

One last quick picture as we were leaving Westcott - missing David and Holly!

Keith and I decided to fish the afternoon incoming tide at Open Bay and again, we quickly got a ‘fish on’ but it didn’t make it into the boat. After about an hour, the winds started to kick up and it was time to go in. Not fun fishing in windy, wavey weather.

The last happy hour was an after dinner game of Farkle (aka 10,000), a fun dice game and David was the big winner. It was a short evening as two boats were leaving first thing in the morning.

Just Little Wing remained.