FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Last trip of the season

We are back on the water for one last event with Jay and his friend Katrina. They travel from Portland to Anacortes, catch a ferry to Friday Harbor and then we’re off. We ended up staying the first night in Friday Harbor as the winds were still blowing a bit and their arrival was late in the day. We didn’t want to risk heading out and not finding a good spot for the night.

Next morning, we head to Jones Island, just west of Orcas Island. It is one of our favorite spots, but the bay is small with onlythree bouys and a dock so it is tough to get in during the busy summer season. We arrive early enough to find plenty of room and grab a bouy. By noon, everything is full and folks are already anchoring.

First event is a two mile hike around the east side of the island with a variety of terrain and beautiful views. Father and son took the lead. The beaches around the island are very diverse and at low tide, there is plenty of room to wander. Keith heads down the steep hill to explore - you know that old saying about it’s easier going down then coming up! We even found several seals warming themselves on the rocks during the low tide. We thought our presence would bother them, but they weren’t about to give up their warm rocks so they just watched us travel past.

Trina has a great eye for photos and we had fun capturing our fun times together.

Next stop was Spencer Spit, on the east side of Lopez. Trina inspired me to get up early and capture a beautiful sunrise! At low tide, there is plenty of beach to walk and as the day warmed up, walk we did.

We spent our evenings creating and eating great food and playing games. We taught Keith to play Pinocle and what fun memories that brought back. Before you knew it, the weekend was over and we headed in to the dock to put the floating girl away. A great end to the season!

Time to clean up and put everything away for the winter. Rinsing out motors, washing down salty boats, packing up belongings and emptying the refrigerator and freezer. It took us three days.