FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Meeting the Sea Otter

There was a boat in Melanie Cove that looked just like ours, the Sea Otter. There were 2 couples aboard and the ladies were floating around the bay enjoying themselves. Keith was out kayaking and came upon them when they asked if he would tow them back. They had floated to far to hand paddle back and hold their glasses of refreshment. He found it humorous and being the chivalrous man he is, he towed them back.

The next day, we were coming back from an excursion in the Trophy when we see one of the couples, again floating near their boat. We stopped and asked if they needed help again because this time we had more horsepower. They pointed out they were tied to their boat so they wouldn’t float so far. We all had a good laugh and motored on.

Several days later, we were tied up on the dock at Refuge Cove and look, there is the Sea Otter on the other dock. We walked over to say hello again and admire their great taste in boats. Dock talk is just part of the fun and we ended up standing there for quite some time, just chatting. Suedelle and Doug wanted to come see how our boat was laid out so we did and spent more time talking. But we weren’t quite through yet as we then had coffee the next morning on their boat so we could see their boat layout. We had such a good time and loved their spirit. We had a lot in common, including winters in Arizona and Mexico.

A new friendship was made and we look forward to staying in touch over the coming months…. and it all started with a float rescue. That is one of the best parts of boating!