FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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More Wind - Ganges

Again, another wind storm was upon us. This is the most wind we have ever seen in the islands (both San Juan and Gulf). Fyi, the wind is only a friend to sail boaters, we are not one. So it was time to find some shelter, we head to Ganges Harbor. Sue and Eric found a spot on the government dock but we opted to anchor out. After an hour of being blown to bits, with a spot still open on the dock, we headed in, and just in the nick of time. Several boats came in right behind us. It was first come first serve.

We shared the dock with the seaplanes. Wow, we thought we had it bad - it was amazing watching these guys grab the lines on the planes as the wind was blowing them in. If they missed, it would have been messy as planes don’t have very good brakes 🤣. And yes, they were right behind us but we were ok with that. Even with all the waves and noise, we felt better than being at anchor.

It was time to celebrate another wedding anniversary in Ganges. This is becoming a fun tradition. Happy Anniversary Sue and Eric (and Dave and Sheila).

Before ending the day, we had a most important package to get for Dave and Sheila - multiple jars of the “best pickles ever”. We wondered if there was something they weren’t telling us. (The ice cream was for us 😋)

The next morning we did a quick jaunt around the farmers market and were so disappointed the ‘bread man’ was on vacation. Then it was time to get off the dock so our adventures continue.