FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Party on a Boat

Next morning, we all moved over to Garrison Bay to be a little closer to Roach Harbor. We planned to celebrate the harvest of crab with a group dinner.

As we were pulling into Garrison, good friends of ours from Shelter Bay texted… “is that you coming into Garrison?” … How fun to meet up with more friends. Bruce, Gail, and their friend John agreed to join us for dinner. We started with a yummy happy hour that morphed into an equally yummy dinner.

There were nine of us and it wasn’t long before we had to separate, girls and guys (or inboards and outboards). Girls in the salon, guys on the back deck and … Fred, the bear joined the girls. He was all dressed up and spent the evening charming the ladies!

Six degrees of separation - come to find out, Bruce, John, and David had a lot in common. They worked for the same rocket building company (although I don’t think all at the same time) and they all loved to play guitars - David noticed right off the picking and strummin charactaristics of their fingers. After a while, Bruce made a lame excuse to go back to their boat, returned with a guitar, and the live entertainment began. We girls stayed below, chatting and listening while they all played their hearts out. It was so fun to hear them laugh and croon the night away.

When the wives said it was time to go home, they looked like little boys who had just had their favorite baseball taken away. It was such a fun evening.