FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Romero Pools & Falls

One of our favorite hikes was an intense trek to Romero pools and falls. Round trip was 6.3 miles, elevation gain of 1300 feet and it took us over 5 hours. Holly and David had done it before, but joined us to lead the way. This was spectacular as we scrambled over LOTS of rocks and climbed and climbed.

You walk about a mile through a wash to the trail head and then you begin to climb up and over and through the mountain pass pictured in the background.

David was further up the trail and captured a great picture as we rested. This was early in the hike as the community can still be seen in the background. It won’t be long and all we will be able to see is mountains, rocks, and cacti.

This is a Saguaro ridge as these cacti only grow at certain elevations. After we pass over this ridge, we are too high for them.

Here is a great example of what the trail looked like. There were places where it was just dirt and gravel but I would estimate more than three quarters was climbing rocks and boulders. No one got hurt, although Eric’s foot slipped at one point and he went down on his knees. No injuries, but worthy of a little ribbing.

We are finally at the pools and stop to rest, eat and soak my feet. Wow, that water was cold, but it felt good.

After our rest, we headed up a little more to see the falls, then it was time to start the long trek down. Holly and David had a time commitment so they headed down in front of us and Sue, Eric, Keith and I took our time.

This was a treasure that we would do it again, just not tomorrow!