FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Sittin’ on a dock in the bay

You are welcome for putting that song in your head. But this is what we’ve been doing for the past 7 days, literally! After our time at Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island, we motored over to the floating dock at Reid Harbor - same island, different bay.

On our way around the north end of the Island, we encountered whales and were able to capture some good pictures. They surprised us. You usually see the gaggle of boats following them, but this was early enough in the day, no one else was around. Thankfully we caught sight of them before we were right in the middle of them. They are so beautiful and we don’t want to distrub them - they are fun to watch!

The weather has been amazing, calm water and no wind, which spells h-o-t. So, what do you do when you’re on the water and it’s hot? Jump in … so I did, over and over again. I couldn’t stay in very long, but it felt so good to have a quick cool down. I couldn’t get anyone else to come in with me… wimp!

Salmon fishing opened again for 3 more days so we headed out to see how lucky we were. Turned out, not so much. Instead of catching, we lost some gear in the rocks in shallow water. Oh well, that’s fishin!

One of our favorite things to do is dock walk and talk. It’s a boating thang - you need to meet all your neighbors and share boating stories - where have you been, would you go again, what happened, how did you survive it… it’s a boating thang. You learn so much but most important, you make friends. Day 2 on the dock, Linda and Mike arrive. This was their first time away from a marina, wanting to explore and see what’s out there. We had a great time sharing stories, telling of our escapades, and ‘hooking’ them into a different experience, away from a marina. We had such a good time together and look forward to meeting up again, as they are now hooked. (Note: to be ‘on the hook’ means to be at anchor.)

Mike, the mechanic, arrived at Roche Harbor early one morning. We ran over, picked him up, and he spent all day working on the punch list. Issue #1 - not sure why we had a fray on a brand new belt. We all got a lot done, but he has a few more things before we head north so he’ll be back later this coming week. We so appreciate him.