FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Spring Training

One of our most favorite things is to spend time with our grandkids but as they get older, it sometimes gets more difficult. So as a Christmas gift for our athlete grandson, we gave him a weekend trip to Arizona and spring training. Carter is 15 and is involved in everything about sports so this was a perfect gift. He’s getting ready for baseball season and was excited to come watch the practice and a Cactus league game. It was also his first time flying by himself.

Our first stop was In/Out Burgers - I just don’t see the draw but both he and Grampa were excited.

Even though it was dark when we arrived back at the trailer, we had to head to the hot tub and pool. There is just a thing and water and kids!

Before bed, the boys made sure all the baseball cards were in order. Of course Carter knew everyone of them by name … Keith, not so much!

Up and out the door at 8:00 am the next morning so we could get in line for autographs as the players came out onto the fields. We were surprised how many people were already there… this was a popular place. But it was a good thing Grampa had done his research and we were ready - or so we thought.

We had all been waiting quite a while when all of a sudden, a player comes sprinting down the walkway (which is roped off on both sides). It was Ichario and it happened so quickly, no one had their cameras ready. We were all disappointed, but we knew the rest were on their way so we were going to be ready. Everyone, including us, was waiting for J-Rod (Julio Rodriguez). As players came out, J-Rod also came sprinting out, but from another door on the other side of the building. It was such a disappointment as all the kids went running to catch him, but he was on the field behind the gate before anyone could reach him. Oh well….

Different groups were practicing on 4 different fields, all in close proximity to each other. It was fun to walk around and just watch - pitchers/catchers, catching infield and outfield, and hitting.

Occassionally, players would come to the fence and sign autographs or take pictures. This was a little Make-a-Wish boy who was having the time of his life. It was fun to watch him and the players interact. He was treated like royalty. I worked with this amazing organization many years ago and it brought back some great and some painful memories.

Then, as practice was wrapping up, it was time for the players to head in and get ready for the game. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time and Carter got a ton of autographs. I was so impressed with how kind and engaging the players were with each fan. They’d talk to them, tease them, and just made them feel special. There wasn’t a single player that didn’t understand the incredible value this has on these kids.

As Carter was busy getting signatures, Grampa was busy getting pictures. We already had some awesome memories.

Now it was game time. We had front row seats just past third base so we weren’t in the foul ball net zone. We grabbed some stadium grub and headed to our seats. Wow, it was a zoo as everyone, kids and adults, were all gathered at the field barrier waiting and hoping for autographs. It was like parting the waters as we squeezed into our seats. Once the game started, everyone had to clear out except those with actual seats. Whew - it was a bit claustrophobic.

Unfortunately, we lost 5-1 but what a great time we had. Carter ended up with two game balls and a few more autographs as the players walked by after the game. It was 80 degrees, clear blue skies, and we were a little toasty.

What a great weekend and it was sad to see him go the next morning - we can hardly wait until next year!