FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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True Adventurers

On our way out of the slot canyon area, we found two hitch hikers thumbing for a ride. We were about 10-15 miles down a dirt road and an additional several miles from town. Of course we stopped to pick them up.

Meet James and Joanna - they are hiking the canyons of Utah and have traversed almost 800 miles over the past 2 months. This day was a break day when they come out of the canyon, find a ride to town, reprovision, stay the night at a local hotel, then hitch hike back to the spot where they came out and continue on. Joanna is a medical professional and only hikes with James for about three months each year. James is a full time hiker and has logged over 18,000 miles around the US. He works with outfitters, testing equipment, marking out trails and providing intel for others. These two were fascinating to talk with and we thoroughly enjoyed our 30 minute ride back into town with them. Their agenda that day was a shower and pizza, not sure in which order. We would recommend the shower.

Now it’s time to make serious work of heading north. More adventures await with family, friends, and water this summer!