FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Turnbull Cove

Two of the boats could not proceed north of the 51st parallel due to insurance restrictions, so we got as close as we could. Turnbull Cove is 1/2 mile wide and 1/2 mile deep and is wrapped in beautiful mountains.

We tucked in at the back of the cove and didn’t have a ripple of wind or fog. Puffy grey and white clouds overhead, that we thought may bring a little rain, but it stayed dry and beautiful.

After all was settled, Keith, David, and Holly went exploring and hiked up to a lake. I wanted the quiet time to work on this blog.

They found this beautiful lake but chose not to go swimming, even though it looked inviting. Several other boaters were also at the lake.

Eric and Sue chose to do some kayaking.

Evening of the first day.

On the second day, Keith and I still wanted to catch some white fish, so with the help of fishing gear that was buried in the bottom of David’s boat from the previous owner, and gear we brought from the fishing boat, we rigged up the dingy and went floating. The only think I caught was a rock… not a rock fish, a rock. Luckily we were able to get it loose and salvage the gear. It was a great afternoon.

This is just outside the mouth of our cove. The sun was out, the current was slow, and we blissfully drifted along. It was a wonderfully peaceful afternoon. The others went to run the rapids between several islands in David and Holly’s dingy. Not much of a current but enough to make it fun.