FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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The Bands Last Day Together

We were all back on the dock at Reid Harbor and had one more day before the team started to break up and head separate ways. Several members of the group took a hike down the east arm of the bay. They got to a point where they met a troll who said “Thou shall not pass”. Ok, maybe he wasn’t a troll, but he did say they couldn’t proceed any further (even with a shrubbery) as it was private property. Come to find out, that piece of property belonged to a nice gentleman Dave H met on our journeys in Canada. This man owns a beautiful red sailing vessel, that is usally parked on his dock in Reid Harbor. Unfortunately, it had been grounded on rocks at the south end of Quadra, soon after Dave had met him, and was now in dry dock in Campbell River for repairs. At the time of the accident, it was under the command of a paid captain - who we suspect is no longer employed. The captain missed the second red bouy before turning the corner and crunch! So sad.

Not sure what Jake was so interested in or maybe he just didn’t hear the photographer say cheese.

Happy Hour was an after dinner sing along on the Lucky Penni. For those who have not had that experience, it is a lot of fun. David is a very good guitar player and has a book of song lyrics so we can all sing along. Dave & Sheila were headed to Lopez the next morning to meet up with some friends and this time together was the cherry on top of a perfect trip.