FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Bryce on Horseback

It was highly recommended to do a horseback ride into the canyon and I was super excited. For our second day, we tried to get a three hour afternoon ride, but they were all booked, so we settled for a 1.5 hour morning ride. It was cool and a bit windy, but we were ready.

The hardest part about a horse ride… is the wait! Both for us and the animals!

There was about ten total horses/mules in our group. We both had horses and they were beautiful. What a great ride but it was a bit more windy at the bottom than we thought. (Notice, someone lost his favorite hat.) At one point, the wind started to swirl and the horse in front of me spooked and began running in circles. Several other horses began to react, mine included, but I was able to maintain control. I felt bad for the other rider, who didn’t speak english and wasn’t sure what to do. Eventually, his horse settled and we were able to move on. The poor guy was pretty frightened - it might have helped if he was able to understand the instructions. But what’s an adventure without adventure?

After our short trip, I was ready to go again, but hubby wasn’t so sure….