FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Christmas with the FlewCrew

Dearest Noah, CJ, Ryker, Sawyer, and Mia;

What a special time we had with you this Christmas. Your new home is beautiful and it was such a great surprise to see all the new additions. We are so proud of you and all the help you gave in building this dream. We are sure some of it was motivated by not wanting to stay in the trailer but it was a great accomplishment. There is still more to go, but now you have your own ‘big’ rooms where you can play and grow, … and have separate space from mom and dad a whole floor away. 😀

We were so sorry the beautiful snow turned to yukky slush and water for our Christmas sledding day. We are confident you will enjoy the trip without us and know you’ll think of us as you whiz down the slopes. Your mom is an amazing photographer and I’m sure she will capture some great pictures for us.

We were shocked at how much snow you had and it was interesting driving in it. Uncle Keithus is a great driver, but we laughed when he tried to turn up the driveway and just kept going straight down the road. Good thing the car behind us wasn’t going very fast.

Here are some of our favorite memories:

Just being silly kids!

Watching the Monkey Bread bake - why does it take so long!

Matching jammies. Of course Mia was in her princess dress and we’re not sure what Uncle Keithus was thinking - he apparently didn’t get the memo.

And playing “Beat the Parents” - you kids did it - but barely!! We all laughed, hooted, and nearly cried but it was so much fun. We definitely need to play it again so the parents can win next time.

We also enjoyed working on your special room projects and will continue to finish them when we come back in the spring. We love you all so very much - Have a great new year! ❤️