Washington Welcomes Us

We are so blessed and it is fun to have travel adventures, but it is equally nice to be back with family. We arrived back in Washington first part of May and had plenty to do.

Events not pictured:

Much fun as our twin grand nephews came in second in their junior baseball league. They were all so very good and we were so proud.

Fixed up our shed to create a tiny home when we come to visit in the off season.

Miss Mia showing off her fancy face painting. She was just too cute.

Miss Kailee opening her birthday gift wrapped in a ‘made with love’ birthday bag. She was so excited!

Sharing date night with Colin and Rena. Mediterranean meal… yum!

An evening on the Vancouver waterfront with Katey and Jim. It was beautiful, warm, and fun.

Spent a week with our dearest friend Lisa. These are just some of her amazing quilts and I finally decided to give quilting a try.

It was a great couple of weeks to acclimate to Washington. I bundled up almost every day as my body tried to get used to the cooler weather. When is the warm weather coming?


Ahhh… Water


True Adventurers