Hiking Portland Island

Welcome to Princess Margaret’s Crown Jewel, her very own island, that has since been given to the Canadian government as a national park.

The drizzle had finally stopped and we decided it was time to explore this little island.

I debated whether to wear tennis shoes or my boots. My boots were so clean and pretty and I was sure my tennis shoes would be easier to walk/hike in… what is a girl to do, fashion or function. Well, I got it wrong. I wore my tennis shoes (function usually always wins out) and wished I had the protection of my boots. The island wasn’t just wet from the rain, the trail was down right swampy in many areas. We negotiated our way through the wet spots but I was soaked when we got back. Next time it will be fashion!

All in all, it was a fun 3 mile hike. After lunch we packed up and continued on to Genoa Bay - one of our favorite places. The water was flat calm, the skies were partly cloudy and we had a great time. We landed safely, set our anchor and went to shore to check it out. There was no fee to dump garbage, there were nice laundry facilities, and best of all, the Genoa Bistro was open again. We made reservations for the following day for my birthday lunch. Boy, what a lunch that turned out to be. ….. Read on….


Run for your life!


Clearing Customs