Honoring our beloved mom

Mom passed away late in the evening on July 4th and we were sure all the fireworks were her welcome into heaven. She is dearly loved and while we didn’t want to see her suffer any more, it was sad to see her go. Now it was time to bring everyone together and honor her as we buried her next to dad.

It was the first time all six of us kids were together at the same time in many years and it was such a blessing. Mom had her hands full with all of us, and a husband who was young at heart. I’m sure dad regretted teaching us how to create trouble but he was just as ornery and playful. Not only did we have a houseful of kids, our home was the neighborhood hang out and mom never missed a beat. She corralled, cajoled, and eventually just gave up and joined in. There was never a dull moment. I can still hear her say “Oh Leon!” and “well, you know father”.

Following the burial, we had a small gathering with close friends and family for a dinner and fellowship and I loved all the laughter and story telling. We are a crazy group of kids who somehow grew up - and we’re still a crazy group of kids.


Last trip of the season


A quick visit