Jaco - then San Jose

This was a special destination as Laura’s daughter Laina was here last year on a mission trip for several months. Laina raved about this bustling beach community so we booked a short stay as we were passing through.

We found a beautiful 7th floor condo overlooking a great pool and the ocean. Don’t let the clouds decieve you into thinking it was cool. It was 95 degrees, even with the clouds. We were always grateful for air conditiion. The pool was refreshing and teaming with kids so lots of activity and laughter. The sun was high when we got down to the pool and we tried to move a lounge chair about 3 feet so it was inside the shade of the umbrella. We almost got kicked out because we didn’t understand that you cannot move the chairs - Not One Inch!

The girls decided to enjoy some girlfriend time so they ‘masked’ up before bed and couldn’t keep from giggling, especially when I kept chasing them around for a picture.

Here is the coffee shop on the compound where Laina stayed. Laura was having fun seeing and meeting the people Laina spent so much time with. Notice how she matches so well with the colors - I’m sure she planned it that way.

I wanted to stick this in my suitcase and have a sign made to go with it that said “Before 9:00 am”. If you know my husband, you know how true this is…

We found a local coffee shop - and then decided not! It was time to head to San Jose.

We couldn’t believe how fast 10 days went and then it was time to put Laura on the plane home. We traversed inland to San Jose where we stayed one night close to the airport so we could get her off early. Then we continued our journey south again.


Quepos - Epic Bust


Off to Jaco