Octopus Islands

The entrance to Octopus Islands is just outside the rapids from Hole in the Wall, but it is a very narrow passage. Several boats were going in ahead of us and after conferring with David H by phone, we followed them in. It is amazing how deep the water is in these rock canyons. We didn’t have any trouble getting into the little coves.

Of course, our first effort was to get anchored and stern tied. Finally, it was an easy tie. Sue and Eric backed in and rafted up to us and also set a stern tie to keep us from drifting into some rocks nearby. The water was so clear, you could easily see the bottom 20 feet deep.

We took the dingy over to the trail head, 2 miles across the bay. This was a much easier hike as the trail was well groomed, but it was 1.7 miles to the lake and a fair amount of that was up over a hill top. Slow and steady… I felt like a mountain goat.

The lake was beautiful, the water was cold, and it felt so good. We were only in for a few minutes and that was all we needed - we were cool enough!

The trip down was much easier. Notice some of us were still in our swimming suits.

Guess what was for dinner - yup, fish tacos. So good!

The rest of the team rejoined us the next day. The Flewelling Stern Tie Concierge Service made their arrival super easy. Many hands make like work.

Dave and Holly anchored out - so picturesque.

Route from Florence Cove to Octopus Islands - a short hop


Guests Arrive - Lund


Florence Cove - Hole in the Wall