Prep Paint & Polish

It’s been 15 years and a lot of fun memories, but it is time to prepare this home for sale.

Our son Josh came for a week and helped Keith with a lot of the outside manual labor, especially fixing the crack in the cement. He also did a ton of weed-eating and yard maintenance and was a rockstar. Such a blessing and very tired at the end of the week.

A lot of painting. What started out as touch up, ended up a complete repaint of the downstairs and an equal amount or more upstairs. My body was very sore and tired, but we weren’t done yet.

We hired someone else to stain/paint the decks and they turned out beautiful. We were so pleased and grateful we didn’t have to do it ourselves.

We hired an amazing crew to refresh the landscaping and maintain it until it sells. They too did such a great job.

After many long days, it was ready to go on the market.


Off to Tucson


A Sisters Weekend