Random things we see - updated
Here is a collection of just random things we have encountered along our journey. Check back as I will continually update this page.
It’s garbage day and this reminded me a bit of my childhood as guys were running to each side of the road to grab the garbage bags and throw them in the truck.
I think they might be getting ready for a yard sale.
This is ingenuity at its very best… yes, he is sharpening the blade of a machette using a grinder attached to his bicycle.
This worker is pushing his tools to the job site, he passes by every morning and every night.
It is not uncommon to see large semi’s full of chickens at home, but this was a first. Ok, admit it, how many of you thought… “This little piggy goes to market…”
Parking enforcement - I want one of these.
A man, his craft, his trade… and he can guarantee they are good, he tests them constantly.
This woman was making her own statement with this bathing suit and it made me laugh.
What better place to have a thriving business than at the speed bump on the highway. What you don’t see in this picture is several older ladies standing in the road, with goods in hand, trying to entice you to stop and make a purchase. What is equally interesting, people will just park on the roadway, get out and do their shopping. Traffic backs up until the on-coming lane is clear so you can go around. Remember, this is a highway.
Yup, look twice. While this is just a chair, it was amazing how many bare butts we saw and not just on the beach.
This gives a whole new spin on a tire swing.
You guessed it - panther crossing and I hoped we’d get to see one, but none showed their pretty faces. It does me grateful we only have to watch out for deer.
There were actully 2 motorcycles loaded down with wood. Where there is a will, there is a way.
We weren’t sure if they ran out of supplies, or where just trying to make a statement.
Two adorable twins took center stage. As the afternoon wore on, they were a bit thirsty and one picked up her dads half empty beer and finished it off. Everyone was laughing…
This is a very old pile driving machine. When we first saw it, we thought it was abandoned just sitting on a road under construction. The next day, it was fully functioning with the caretaker making sure it had enough water to keep it running. We have no idea what it was pounding.
Seatbelts are optional. This was in town on a busy street, but we also found them on the freeway, responding code to an event where 2 officers were in the cab and 4 were standing in the back of the truck. Could you imagine this at home?
This is so common to see, but he’s not homeless … he is headed to work with all his tools.
Just nothing says love better….
Mr. Tequila has been sitting here for a very long time.