Sidney BC

The last stop on the FIYC north sound cruise list was Sidney, BC where Lisa, the spirit of Tony, Keith, and I were the cruise captains.

❤️ A special tribute to Tony - he was so dearly missed! ❤️

We left Roche and headed over a day early and met Lisa who drove up. We had 13 boats coming over and were grateful for the extra day to get ready for everyone.

We had a lot of unloading and shopping to do and Keith wanted a taxi ride to the boat. What a wimp!

First event was a gourmet hot dog dinner - we loved the matching aprons and even had one for the spirit of Tony! Thanks to Rena for her creative artwork. After dinner we had a rousing game of reverse charades where a team had to get one teammate to guess. It was so funny and I couldn’t believe I didn’t get any pictures. 😩

We had plenty of time to enjoy Sidney and find laughter in just about anything. We spent one evening at the farmers markets and loaded up on goodies.

Our last morning was a Dock Box Continental Breakfast. We had food at two side-by-side slips and it was very fun.

I have no idea what Lisa was preaching about but she had a captured audience for sure. I’m confident it had laughter in it somewhere! When breakfast was done and put away, it was time for the next adventure.


Butchart Gardens II


FIYC Play Time