
We have another precious family close by, our oldest son Josh and his family are an hour away up in Priest Lake. It’s a quick run up the mountain to spend time and help with their changes. At the back of their property, they are also very close to the river where they can spend hot afternoons fishing and cooling off.

This picture was taken end of May and the water was still running full and fast. By now, it is slow and low and a favorite for the locals to hang out. It is also low enough you can walk from one side to the other. Hard to believe based on this picture.

Free range laying chickens….

We were able to help build the chicken duplex. They have 2 types of chickens (laying and meat) that need to remain separated so a new dwelling was constructed. It was fun and got done just in time as the new meat chicks were to arrive any day. After several weeks growing in the house, they have moved out to the duplex, keeping the chicken stink outside! The attached chicken run isn’t quite finished but will be by the time the chicks are ready to actually be outside. The meat chickens are Bresse chickens, also known as Queen of Chickens. Their meat is marbled and very delicious and these are very popular in Europe and newly introduced in the US. The goal is to have sustainable meat production so the laying hens remain separate. We are all excited to see how this goes and how the meat turns out.

We have enjoyed watching our children flourish in different environments - never in a million years did I think my oldest would be a homesteader but he has definitely found his niche and enjoys the hard work and plentiful rewards. They now have 2 goats, a cow, multiple chickens, 2 cats and a dog…. hmmm, what could be next!


Big Sky Country


Life with FlewCrew in the forest