Take the long way back

Our chores were done and it time to head to Chattaroy. Little Wing is cleaned and packed up, ready for haul out. We decide to have another adventure as we head east and plan our route via Hwy 20 all the way to Hwy 395. What a beautiful trip. The spring run off has created many beautiful waterfalls and the spring leaves are all so tender and fresh.

We encounter this gentleman on the side of the road at Rainy Pass. Several cars stop and watch (from a safe distance) when a car (with 2 women) pulled up close and appeared to be throwing food out to him. They had their window down half way and the bear lumbered right up next to their car. We left… didn’t want to see what happened next. We thought of the saying “you just can’t fix stupid”.

We had lunch in Winthrop, ice cream in Omak, and arrived back at the trailer in time for a simple dinner. We figured it took about 1 1/2 hours longer than going Hwy 2 or I-90 but so much prettier and peaceful.


Life with FlewCrew in the forest


What could possibly go wrong?