FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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The Thai National Park

It was time for a cooler day so we booked a tour of the national park. Our transport was a very nice air conditioned van so the travel was easy.

At the top is the highest peak in Thailand and is also the southern end of the Himalayas…. yes, we climbed in the Himalayas.

First stop was the Wachrathan Waterfall. The cool spray felt soooo good.

Second stop was an indigenous village. The royal government wanted to create the national park and they agreed with the people to let them stay to farm and live. However, they can never sell the land and it is to remain in their families forever. They farm many things including rice and coffee beans. It is the end of the rice season so the hills were bare, but they are all terraced and ready for next season. The government also subsidizes them so they remain healthy.

The women sit in the shade under their houses and weave beautiful pieces of clothing, blankets, purses, etc. and sell them to visitors. The men work in the fields, prepare their crops for market, and roast their coffee. The kids go to Chiang Mai for school.

One of the highlights for us was lunch. They prepared a yummy lunch including fresh bananas.

We were also treated to tasting of their coffee and teas. It was all so good!

Last stop was the twin Pagodas - alters - one for the king and one for the queen. Our favorite was the queens with all the beautiful flowers surrounding it.