FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Waddington Bay

We pulled anchors at Mound Island and headed to Waddington Bay with socked in fog. All navigational tools were deployed, including horn blowing, as we crossed a larger body of water. We encountered a few boats but everyone was careful and safe.

The fog lifted and wow, what a beautiful little bay. This is Picnic Rock just as you enter.

In the back of the bay, there were remnants of a slide. As we traveled, we found this be fairly common. A lot of trees come down the hill into the water. This was interesting because the trees are in the water, but are still upright.

It was a great spot to kayak or dingy around and just enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Keith dropped another crab pot and this time there were 13 crab and we had one keeper - success finally.

Another boater said a mama bear and her cub had been seen coming down to the water. We watched deligently but never saw her during our stay.

We stayed for two nights and our departure morning looked just like this again. The water was so calm, we couldn’t resist taking these stunning pictures.