Wind always wins!
Wednesday mornings plan was to head east, across the Strait of Georgia. However, the weather report changed to gale force wind warning so we had wait for another window of opportunity. Waiting is part of winter/spring boating and we were ok with staying another day as this would allow us to catch up with friends who were coming in as well. We had a few more things to get for little projects along the way so we called a cab and headed to Home Depot.
Friends Sari and Andy arrived and we had dinner together on our boat and played Mexcian Train Deluxe - poor Andy lost (I was glad it wasn’t me again).
Nightfall comes and we were glad to be on the dock (or so we thought) as the storm was brewing. Winds blew at 15-20 sustained knots all afternoon and even on the dock, we were rockin’ and rollin’. I won’t lament the issues with boats and storms, but I will say this - you don’t get much sleep, no matter where you are, and especially if you have a small boat rafted up and it’s getting the snot kicked out of it.
Thursday morning, we had to move the Trophy to a safer spot and the Yacht Club was so gracious to find us an open slip which helped settle our nerves. Several boats came in to get out of the weather and wait to continue their journey north. We almost always anchor out, but it was nice to have electricity, water, laundry, and garbage services for a very reasonable price. We spent the day putzing around with laundry, chasing a water leak (that we gave up on) and doing another run to town for more fenders. We lost one in the storm and just as we were leaving for town, Sari found it wedged behind the dingy at the back of the boat. Now we need 1 less than we planned.
A travel window has opened for Friday morning but it will be an early rise so we call it a day early - we all will need a good nights sleep.
Instead of taking a cab to town, let’s take the little boat… what fun!