WWW - Watching Weather Windows

One of the important things you must do in boating is watch the weather windows, especially wind storms - wind is not your friend if you don’t have a sailboat. If you have no time constraints, you can wait storms out, but sometimes you may have to wait longer than you want. A large wind storm was heading our way and we wanted to get back in the US ahead of it. Unfortunately, this meant we had to cut our time short with Eric and Cherie and head south. We pulled up anchor and headed to Lund, made a quick stop to safely get them to shore and off we went. The fleet left Gorge Harbor about the same time and we all headed to Pender Harbor.

We are passing Powell River and I get a phone call from Cherie - “We can see you!” They took the extra time, while waiting for their ferry, to tour around and found us several times along the way. At one point, we could see them with the binoculars… it was fun!


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