Kids & Kiddos

We always enjoy family time and watching our littlest kiddos grow up.

We made it home in time to see the newest little kids, literally. Two male goats were only a few days old and Kailee was having much fun being a new mommy.

There’s always fun to be had with the FlewCrew boys as they ‘play ball’.

Ima and Mia time for a special celebration of her birthday. We made brownies, did her nails, put on make-up and watched Snow White. It was a great afternoon. She is truly the princess.

Ryker and Sawyer testing out the new monkey bars Uncle Keithus built for their room. They may be little, but they are mighty.

And the kiddo grand prize goes to the very spoiled Nico who won’t eat unless dad (brother-in-law Jim) lays down and feeds him. Now that is Spoiled!


A Sisters Weekend


Lake Havasu