Lake Havasu

We couldn’t believe how fast the winter flew by and now it was time to head to our last stop before heading north… Lake Havasu, Arizona. We stayed at the Islander Resort and scored a prime spot overlooking the water.

First week we celebrated our wedding anniversary at a fabulous restaurant on the water. The food was so good and we were treated to a specialty drink for the occassion. It was very good.

We quickly made friends and jumped right in to all the great activities. We were never lacking for something to do:

  • Every week there was a round robin game night followed by dinner at the fire pit. These were so much fun playing about 10 different games (corn hole, mini golf, horseshoes, bocce ball, etc.)

  • And then there was pickleball. We even took lessons to improve our game and just had so much fun.

  • Golfed every chance we could and loved it.

  • The pool and hottub were perfect and we visited often.

  • We enjoyed playing pool or working the group jigsaw puzzle, usually while the laundry was going.

  • We rode our bikes a lot around the park and around the island enjoying the water, the sun, and each other. We also enjoyed taking long walks in the park.

A fun afternoon at the Douce Coupe car show.

Had to have some water time…

Our favorite golf course, Emerald Canyon. It was as the name says, in a canyon and was so beautiful. Even had a few canyon shots and they were fun.

Even met Mr. Coon Rattler crossing the green in front of us. He was a little sluggish as though he had just eaten so was no threat. But he was handsome.

Family guests came to visit and we did an evening cruise around the Island. The London bridge pictured here, is actually the London bridge, brought over piece by piece from London and rebuilt. The waterfront is festive and vibrant. It was all quite fun.

Before you knew it, it was time to head north. First stop was Las Vegas where we stayed 5 days waiting for the snow to melt a bit and get healthy as we both came down with Covid again. Second stop was Wells, Nevada, then to Pendleton, Or and finally home to Chatteroy, WA. It was bitter sweet but were looking forward to all the adventures still ahead of us.


Kids & Kiddos


Spring Training