FlewCruisin - by land & by sea

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Birthday Season

Time to celebrate birthdays, but this one is extra special. Both Josh and his wife Trina have birthdates on the same day… and Kailee missed their birthday by 2 hours. So it truly is a birthday season when we celebrate with them.

No birthday cake was needed as the s’mores and snow cones were the hit of the day.

And this mom got to spend the day with 2 of her favorite boys. Caleb is Josh’s first born and my first born grandchild. He has always called me Gramma Deb while most of my other grand kids call me Ima. But Caleb shared a fun memory on why we have the names we have. He would call me Gramma Deb and I would always respond with Punkin Head. When he was little, he asked, why do I always call him that and I said because it rhymed. He got such a big kick out of it and to this day, he chuckles at the memory. It was so good to spend time with them.

Caleb, a happy Gramma Deb/mom, Josh