Boating Joy

It was time to head back north. We left early in the morning and pulled into the Poulsbo Marina late morning. We didn’t have the fishing boat following us this trip, so it was easy and fun to just duck into an empty marina and stay the night. We rarely do this, as we normally anchor, so this was a fun treat. We had the afternoon to rummage through town and enjoy dinner overlooking the dock. What a great little town.

The next morning, we continued north to Point Hudson. Apparently we weren’t the only ones looking for something fun to do and eat. These raccoons were digging away right behind our boat. It was fun to watch. We spent the afternoon walking through town only to learn, that particular day of the week, most all of the restaurants were closed. We ended up at a little bar/grill and I had the best baked potato I’ve had in a while. It was just perfect.

Third and final day was crossing the strait back through Deception pass, heading for the home dock. We timed it to minimize the wind and current impacts and it was a great trip. Didn’t realize how shallow the south Swinomish channel was at a -1 tide. We found one spot with 6 feet of water … yikes … but we made it through without stirring up any mud. We called it a success.

We even had a welcoming committee.


Here Shrimpy, Shrimpy!


Southsound Visits