Southsound Visits

What a blessing it was to have a vehicle accessible to us. We were able to run errands and visit friends without having to ask for a ride. Thank you so much Andy and Sari, your generosity was so appreciated. And thank you Lisa for offering her vehicle as well. We look forward to paying it forward.

We attended the Fox Island Yacht Club dinner and catch up with so many friends. We truly miss the gatherings of these amazing people.

We also spent a day with Lisa lovin’ on her and laughing. Keith tried to fix the leaky faucet, but no such luck.

Keith got an afternoon with friend Scott, and his son Cameron, on the golf course. I was so jealous but glad they got some “guy time”.

I can’t complain to much as I had a full day to play with my new serger. I have missed sewing and now have it set up on the boat. This mad seamstress has sewing plans this summer.


Boating Joy

