A week of chores
If you think life on a boat is one of luxury, you are mistaken! This was a quiet week so we worked on projects, chores, and general busyness, with a little bit of fun mixed in.
Keith spent a whole day organizing his garage (the fishing boat) with shelves and containers - I have truly rubbed off on him. It looks great and everything is now easy to get to. So impressive.
Next project, we installed the two remaining solar panels and with the new controller onboard, we are now adding power back into the batteries during the day, reducing our need to run the generator.
We also had some fun time. Chris and MaryAnne, friends from the yacht club, joined us at Garrison and we spent a wonderful evening catching up. They went clamming earlier in the day only to learn it was a red tide. We felt so bad for them cause those clams looked amazing.
We were expecting family for the weekend so made a quick trip to town for supplies on the rattle bus. This is such a great adventure. We dingy over to the dock, walk across English Camp to the parking lot and catch this old ‘tour’ bus into Friday Harbor. It truly rattles and you can hear it coming from a 1/2 mile away. Craig, the driver/owner has been doing this for a long time and he tells great stories along the way. We’ve heard them many times but they are always so good to hear again. We run our errands, and then catch the rattle bus back. It’s great fun!