Plans Change - Be Ready

One of the most important things on a boat is to be flexible. Plans have a way of changing and we have to pivot with them.

Our family guests had a set back and weren’t able to join us. This meant we had to make another run to Anacortes to pick up several items they were going to get for us on their way out. We thought - no sweat, we’ll just take the rattle bus into town, jump on a ferry, get an uber, run our quick errands, take a ferry back in time to catch the rattle bus - we’re good.

Ferry foot traffic is just as busy on car traffic these days.

But oops, we forgot it was Anacortes Arts & Craft Fair, taxi’s and ubers were in short supply and traffic was going to be hectic. So we reached out to my niece, my sister, and brother-in-law for help. Greatfully, they were available…. oh, and one of the ferrys was broken so all the rest were running late, trying to take up the slack for the broken one. Things got juggled, packages were delivered into town, we raced off the ferry, ran quick errands and back to the ferry just as the next one landed and we were headed back to Garrison. Whew… what a day of changing plans.

But it wasn’t all so bad, see the next post on a fun moment in the day.


Garrison Re-enactment


A week of chores