Heading South

It’s that time again to head to warmer and dryer weather. We followed the same path as 2022, enjoying the hotsprings as we went. This trip, we stayed in Moab for a week and had some great adventures.

First ride was 15 mile round trip to the top of Hurrah Pass. The bottom half of the road was graded and easy but the top had plenty of rocks and we enjoyed the challenge. There was a group of ATV’s at the top and they we impressed we had come up on bikes. I’m sure it had something to do with us being old.

One of the sites on the way up was Birthing Rock, an amazing petroglyph.

Then we found Karl and Holly and enjoyed a great adventure with them to Corona Arch.

It was about an hour hike and we had some interesting challenges, climbing a ladder and walking up a chain. But the arch was amazing and so worth it. Notice the dark clouds. It was a good thing we did this in the morning because after we came off the trail, it started to rain. There’s a reason it’s called ‘slick rock’. We hoped others made it down safely.

The RV park doesn’t allow anyone to wash RV’s and we were covered with bugs, so when God provided the rain, we provided the brush.

Next adventure, a day trip to Goblin Valley. This is so stunning and the pictures just don’t do it justice. To bring some scale to the valley, in the top picture, look at the right on a large mound and you’ll see several people. These are all formed by wind and rain.

The three pillars are at the entrance and we called them the centurions. It was great fun creating real life images out of rocks.

Next stop is Arizona - more fun to come


What does life in AZ look like?


It’s not going to rain