What does life in AZ look like?

First big purchase, a must have for the golf course and just popping around the neighborhood. We often ride our bikes and the car is usually only for events outside the neighborhood.

Repainting - a must. The gray and blue just didn’t match our style. Keith was very creative in developing a platform the ladder could safely stand on as one of us did all the tall cut in. It was very impressive and safe!

The new wildlife is amazing. Havalina, roadrunners, coyotes, mule deer, fox, and a bobcat and her kit stroll through the yard regularly. There is even several mountain lions who stroll through occassionally, but we have only seen pictures. We know they are close. Haven’t seen a rattlesnake yet and aren’t in any hurry either.

Sunrises, sunsets, and thunder/lightening storms are spectacular. This is the view out our back door.

Back to Washington and Idaho for the holidays - we love our family and need grandkids time.

We have made great friends and jumped in with both feet to meet and enjoy those around us. Neighbor Deanna and I line dance each week with the gang (pictured on top). Neighbor Ann (in the tan outfit) was the host of an outdoor concert supporting a local gathering. I love both of these women. They are special gifts from God just for me!

Have we told you about pickleball? We LOVE pickleball - what more can we say - we play several times a week and will miss it terribly when we head north!

A quick trip to Mexico with visiting friends. We loved the beach and the little town. Mexico is always a favorite.

So enjoyed family who journeyed south to visit - we love sharing our new surroundings with our loved ones. Unfortunately, we didn’t get pictures of all our guests but we enjoyed all the visits.

And of course there is golf. Girls day out golfing and Deanna made a par - it was a reason to celebrate!

We have been so blessed, God has truly provided a community that we never imagined could exist. We have found loving friends, a wonderful local church, and activities where we can build a community and friendships. We also have friends from Washington who are near by and they are a blessing. As our winter season comes to an end, we will finish it off with more traveling.

Stay tuned for more Flew Cruisin Adventures just around the corner.


Meet Hana


Heading South